assaults on是什么意思中文翻译
作者:放心测系统 发表时间:2023-09-19 12:01:32 浏览次数:35
assault boat───突击艇
assault weapon───攻击性武器
assay ton───化验吨
双语使用场景most of the assaults on civilians recorded here, do not appear to have been investigated.───这里记录的袭击平民事件多数是没有经过调查的。
A significant number of indecent assaults on women go unreported.───很大数量的猥亵妇女罪没有举报。
The attack is one of a series of savage sexual assaults on women in the university area.───这次袭击是一系列在大学区对女性的野蛮性侵犯之一。
Lisbeth told the police about Zalachenko's assaults on her mother, only to be put away for two years in a state psychiatric hospital.───莉丝贝向警察告发说扎拉琴科殴打她母亲,但却被关进了国家精神病院,在那里待了两年。
assaults on aid workers more than doubled compared with a year ago.───与去年同期相比,攻击救援人员的次数番了两倍以上。
It has recently been called upon to deal with several spectacular assaults on prominent sites by squads of suicide fighters.───它最近被要求处理一些在显著位置发生的令人震惊的袭击事件,它们是由一队队的自杀式袭击者发起。
Frontal assaults on Beijing's sensitivities are bound to fail and, at the end of the day, leave Taipei further behind.───正面攻击北京敏感之处注定要失败,最终会导致台北落后更多。
Unfortunately, frontal assaults on this patriarchal trend have often proven counterproductive.───然而不幸的是,对这种父系潮流的正面攻击往往适得其反。
Allies of the ECB's boss, Jean-Claude Trichet, insist he was reacting to market pressures, not assaults on his independence.───ECB头儿联盟,欧洲中央银行行长让-克洛德•特里谢坚称他对市场压力做出了回应,不是猛然袭击他的独立性。
英语使用场景The defendant had a history of violent assaults on women.
Assaults on nuclear power plants is one form of nuclear terrorism.
Racially motivated assaults on Asians are increasing.
In came renewed assaults on Militant, luncheons in the City and the new emphasis on competition and even markets.
A significant number of indecent assaults on women go unreported.
Even assaults on the Unionists over alleged cases of discrimination could rebound.
Such as his ferocious assaults on Mark Walters' cross to score against Aberdeen at Ibrox two years ago.
Faced with these twin assaults on his ego it was hardly surprising that many players were found wanting.
Assaults on public transportation workers have doubled in the last 10 years.