can read鏄粈涔堟剰鎬濅腑鏂囩炕璇?- 鎴愭ⅵ璇嶅吀
作者:放心测系统 发表时间:2023-09-21 09:56:44 浏览次数:28
鐩镐技璇嶈鐭nan bread鈹€鈹€鈹€鍗楅潰鍖?/p>
corn bread鈹€鈹€鈹€鐜夌背闈㈠寘
card reader鈹€鈹€鈹€璇诲崱鏈猴紝璇诲崱鍣?/p>
鍙岃浣跨敤鍦烘櫙Who can read the lyrics?鈹€鈹€鈹€璋佸彲浠ヨ璇绘瓕璇嶏紵
She can read English drawings.鈹€鈹€鈹€濂硅兘澶熻鎳傝嫳璇浘绾搞€?/p>
The Universal Product Code symbol, also known as the 'bar code', is printed on products for sale and contains information that a computer can read.鈹€鈹€鈹€閫氱敤浜у搧浠g爜绗﹀彿锛屼害绉扳€滄潯褰㈢爜鈥濓紝鍗板湪鍑哄敭鐨勫晢鍝佷笂锛屽叾涓惈鏈夎绠楁満鑳借瘑鍒殑淇℃伅銆?/p>
The simple fact that I can read the sincerity in her eyes when she says, "I love you. "鈹€鈹€鈹€褰撳ス瀵规垜璇粹€滄垜鐖变綘鈥濇椂锛屾垜鑳藉鐪嬪嚭濂圭殑鐪熻瘹銆?/p>
DAD : Ok, but let me take a look at it first , Hey , keep your hands off it so I can read it!鈹€鈹€鈹€濂藉惂锛屼笉杩囧厛璁╂垜鐪嬬湅銆傚憙锛屾妸浣犵殑鎵嬫嬁寮€锛岃繖鏍锋垜鎵嶈兘鐪嬪緱娓呮銆?/p>
You can read her own personal account of her experience in her diary.鈹€鈹€鈹€浣犲彲浠ヤ粠濂圭殑鏃ヨ涓湅濂瑰鍏朵釜浜虹粡鍘嗙殑鑷垜鎻忚堪銆?/p>
CAN read quickly enough to cope with an academic course, to read the media for information or to understand non-standard correspondence.鈹€鈹€鈹€鑳藉湪鐭椂闂村唴纭疄鐞嗚В瀛︽湳璧勬枡銆佸獟浣撴墍鎻愪緵鐨勮祫璁垨闈炴爣鍑嗘枃浣撶殑涔︿俊銆?/p>
Old English is extremely difficult to understand. Only a few experts can read this earliest form of English.鈹€鈹€鈹€鍙よ嫳璇瀬闅剧悊瑙c€備粎鏈夊皯鏁板嚑涓笓瀹惰兘澶熻鎳傝繖绉嶆棭鏈熷舰寮忕殑鑻辫銆?/p>
Whilst you're all tucked up in bed reading your favorite fairy-tale or horror story you can read to the glow of this uncomplicated lamp.鈹€鈹€鈹€褰撲綘绐濆湪搴婁笂鐪嬩綘鏈€鐖辩殑绔ヨ瘽鏁呬簨鎴栬€呴鏁呬簨鐨勬椂鍊欙紝杩樺彲浠ユ矏娴村湪杩欑洀閫犲瀷绠€鍗曠殑鐏厜閲屻€?/p> 鑻辫浣跨敤鍦烘櫙
Double over the map so that we can read it more easily.
You can read all the lurid details of the affair in today's paper.
He can read, write and count.
He can read Braille though he isn't blind.
I can read Spanish but can't translate into it.
The little boy can read quite well now.
Some children can read and write before they go to school.
He that can read an meditate will not find his evenings long or life tedious.
I can read French but I can't speak it.