look like me是什么意思中文翻译
作者:放心测系统 发表时间:2023-09-26 12:43:51 浏览次数:41
相似词语短语look lively───行动敏捷些,拿出劲头来
look alive───快点;注意
look alive!───快点;注意
look askance───侧目
look here───喂!注意!
look inside───往里看
双语使用场景I have big shoulders and ooh, it didn't look like me!───我的肩膀宽,噢,看起来哪里是我!
dog knows you don't look like me, smell like me or act like me.───狗知道你长的不象我,你的气味或动作也不象我。
I'm very sorry, baby, doesn't look like me at all.───对不起,宝贝,它看起来根本不像我。
Sonny: [Looking around at the robots while he is about to be "killed" ] They all look like me. But none of them are me.───(环视周围的机器人,他马上要被“处死”了)他们看起来都像我,但是没有一个是我。
I tease Wraith by occasionally asking, "Does it look like me yet? " a few minutes into a new sketch or painting.───对于几秒钟就速成的素描或绘画,偶尔我会戏弄Wraith说:“这看上去还像我吗?”
ROGEN: I don't know if I'm getting anybody laid, but I have seen more guys lately who kind of look like me.───我不知我是不是上了谁,但我遇到很多人和我拍电影后的样子很像。
Don't you want to become a boy and grow up to look like me?───你想长大后成为像我一样的男生吗?
Frog: You just look like me, my dear babies. Let's go to the bank and eat the insects.───青蛙妈妈:现在你们长得象我了,我亲爱的孩子们。我带你们到岸上吃害虫。
A lot of people seems to think that people who look like me can't be Queer in any way.───很多人都觉得一个像我这样的人,绝不可能是同性恋。
英语使用场景That's why our honeymoon photos look like me and Diana Ross!