rough sleepers是什么意思中文翻译
作者:放心测系统 发表时间:2023-09-26 16:33:52 浏览次数:40
相似词语短语rough sleeper───流浪者;野宿者
road sweepers───扫路机;道路清扫车
rough papers───糙面纸
car sleepers───汽车轨枕
cough sweets───止咳糖
enough sleep───充足的睡眠
house slippers───拖鞋
双语使用场景He has tidied up the city somewhat and cut the number of rough sleepers.───他稍微整洁了一下城市并减少了无家可归者的数量。
At first glance the middle-aged man, grinning widely to reveal missing teeth, holds the kind of shabby cardboard sign used by rough-sleepers the world over.───乍一看,这位中年男子露出灿烂的笑容,嘴里还缺了牙齿,手里举着一张全世界的流浪汉都爱用的破旧的标语纸板。
In eight months three-quarters of London's 205 most entrenched rough sleepers have been helped off the streets.───在8个月里,伦敦205约四分之三积习不改的露宿街头者得到帮助离开了大街;
Lepers Aids orphans rough sleepers drug addicts criminals and the generally unloved found in her the human face of a remote institution.───她见过麻风病患者,艾滋病孤儿,深度昏睡着,吸毒者,罪犯,和偏僻地区的不受待见的人。
This White Paper sets an ambitious target to halve homelessness by 2020 and offer supported accommodation to all rough sleepers who need it.───这份白皮书阐述了雄心勃勃的目标,到2020年减少一半无家可归,并提供住宿给所有支持谁需要它粗糙的露宿者。
Rough sleepers regularly trawl through hospital A&E wards, and close to 40% have at some point been in prison.───露宿街头者通常从医院的A区到E区,某个时候约有40%人在监狱。