subsistence farmers是什么意思中文翻译
作者:放心测系统 发表时间:2023-09-28 11:02:38 浏览次数:23
相似词语短语subsistence farmer───自然经济;糊口农民
subsistence farming───n.自给农业;少有余粮的农场经营
subsistence wages───维持生活的最低工资
subsistence crops───口粮作物;自种自食的作物
subsistence levels───勉强糊口的生活水平;贫困生存线;维持生活的最低水平
subsistence wage───维持生活的最低工资
subsistence crop───口粮作物;自种自食的作物
subsistence level───勉强糊口的生活水平;贫困生存线;维持生活的最低水平
subsistence economies───仅能维持生存的经济;基本生活维持经济
双语使用场景The videos describe the situation of subsistence farmers in South Africa.───这些视频介绍了南非自给农民的情况。
Many Namibians are subsistence farmers who live in the arid borderlands.───许多纳米比亚人都是自给自足的农民,居住在干旱的边境地区。
But most of Myanmar's people still toil away as subsistence farmers.───但大部分缅甸人仍旧为生计奔波劳累的农民。
Achieving a balanced coexistence in southern Africa's Mid-Zambezi Valley between subsistence farmers and wild animals can be tricky.───在南非赞比西河流域中游地区实现种粮农民与野生动物的平衡共存并非易事。
"In Mozambique, where we work, 70 percent of the population are subsistence farmers" earning less than $1 a day, Lynch says.───“在莫桑比克,我们工作的地方,70%的人口是靠土地自己养活自己的农民”,这些农民每天的收入不到1美元,林奇说。
Many start out as subsistence farmers and are among the first in their families to earn a regular wage.───他们当中许多人出身于自耕农,是家庭中第一批拥有固定工作和薪水的成员。
But Yunnan, like much of China, remains plagued by vast income inequality; the wealthy jewellers live beside subsistence farmers.───和很多中国其他地方一样,云南也存在着巨大的贫富不均。珠宝商和养家糊口的农民比邻而居。
Around two-thirds of them, mostly subsistence farmers, still live on less than $2 a day.───他们中的大概三分之二仍然是自给自足的农民,日均收入不超过2美元。
Less than 10 years ago, a generation of children was born to subsistence farmers in Liberia, a country torn by civil war and conflict.───不到十年之前,在利比里亚的一代孩子出生了,并注定会成为自给农民。那时的利比里亚正处于内战战火和冲突的蹂躏之中。
英语使用场景Cattle Ranching Hungry subsistence farmers follow in the wake of loggers.
Physicists do not generally choose their mates from among subsistence farmers.
Most of us were subsistence farmers.
The aim was to transform them into permanent subsistence farmers or labourers.
That would bring down developed countries' agricultural subsidies and give farmers, particularly subsistence farmers, greater access to markets, Rice said.
Mr Mugabe can not fail to understand the consequence of redistribution of the country's most productive land to subsistence farmers.
Genuine land reform is not about breaking up highly productive commercial farms into little plots for subsistence farmers.
Most of them eke out a living as subsistence farmers.
Many black Namibians are subsistence farmers who live in the arid borderlands.