play happily鏄粈涔堟剰鎬濅腑鏂囩炕璇?- 鎴愭ⅵ璇嶅吀
作者:放心测系统 发表时间:2023-09-28 12:01:56 浏览次数:78
鐩镐技璇嶈鐭lived happily鈹€鈹€鈹€骞哥鍦扮敓娲?/p>
play hardball鈹€鈹€鈹€閲囧彇寮虹‖鎬佸害
play a gig鈹€鈹€鈹€婕斿嚭
play a part鈹€鈹€鈹€瑁呰厰楠椾汉锛涙壆婕旇鑹诧紱鍦ㄢ€︿腑璧蜂竴浠戒綔鐢?/p>
play ball鈹€鈹€鈹€寮€濮嬫椿鍔紱寮€濮嬭禌鐞?/p>
play cupid鈹€鈹€鈹€鎵紨涓樻瘮鐗?/p>
play fair鈹€鈹€鈹€鍏钩琛屼簨锛屽叕骞冲湴姣旇禌
play havoc鈹€鈹€鈹€澶ц倖鐮村潖
鍙岃浣跨敤鍦烘櫙One bar of chocolate a day enables you to work satisfactorily and play happily.鈹€鈹€鈹€姣忔棩涓€鍧楀阀鍏嬪姏锛屼娇鎮ㄥ伐浣滄弧鎰忥紝濞变箰鎯剰銆?/p>
Let children play happily and grow up safely.鈹€鈹€鈹€璁╁瀛愬揩涔愮帺鑰嶅钩瀹夐暱澶с€?/p>
Most of us can work hard in class and play happily afterwards.鈹€鈹€鈹€鎴戜滑涓ぇ澶氭暟浜哄涔犲姫鍔涳紝璇惧悗鍙堢帺寰楀緢寮€蹇冦€?/p>
I shut the door and, as a cook, began to play happily and loudly with the cooking utensils and dance around the oven.鈹€鈹€鈹€鎴戣繖浣嶅帹甯堝叧濂藉帹鎴块棬锛岀劧鍚庡氨鍦ㄩ噷闈㈠叴楂橀噰鐑堜竵闆跺綋鍟峰湴婕斿璧烽攨纰楃摙鐩嗘墦鍑讳箰骞惰烦璧蜂簡閿呰竟鑸炪€?/p>
Because nearly everyday is like this , mother always says that I am not right . But I still play happily and forget the time .鈹€鈹€鈹€鍥犱负鍑犱箮姣忓ぉ杩欐牱鎵€浠ュ濡堟€绘槸璇存垜锛屼絾鎴戣繕鏄帺寰楀繕浜嗘椂闂淬€?/p>
Is really happy for you, hopes you to play happily in Germany!鈹€鈹€鈹€鐪熶负浣犻珮鍏达紝浣嗘効浣犲湪寰峰浗鐜╁緱寮€蹇冿紒
Sometimes I find people assume children did nothing more than picnic and play happily.鈹€鈹€鈹€鏈夋椂锛屾垜鍙戠幇浜轰滑璁や负鍎跨骞舵病鏈夊仛浠€涔堟瘮璧烽噹椁愬拰楂樺叴鍦扮帺鑰嶃€?/p>
We often have P. E. classes here. We always play happily. In different seasons, the school is different and beautiful.鈹€鈹€鈹€鍦ㄥ妤煎悗杩樻湁涓€涓ぇ鎿嶅満锛屾垜浠粡甯稿湪杩欓噷涓婁綋鑲茶锛屾垜浠帺鐨勫緢楂樺叴銆?/p> 鑻辫浣跨敤鍦烘櫙