I was nothing是什么意思中文翻译
作者:放心测系统 发表时间:2023-10-12 15:02:47 浏览次数:36
相似词语短语it's nothing───小事情
stick at nothing───毫无顾忌,不择手段,什么都干得出
as anything───象什么似的;非常
for nothing───免费;徒然
if anything───如果有什么区别的话
not for nothing───有原因
stop at nothing───不惜一切代价;毫无顾忌
to say nothing of───更不必说
all or nothing───adj.孤注一掷的;全部或一无所有的
双语使用场景I was nothing but a drop-out, but look at me now.───我以前只不过是个辍学的人,但看看我现在。
week I was nothing, but this week I'm a phenomenon," he said.───上周我还什么都不是,这周我就是个现象了,”他说。
I was nothing but a dropout. But look at me now!───我以前不过是个辍不的人。但看看我现在!
I may have been just a mere boat captain, but he treated me as if I was nothing!───我可能只是一个普普通通的船长,但是他却视我如无物!
In his true words (or those of one of his ghostwriters): "I was a footballer but I was nothing compared to Victoria at that point. "───用贝克汉姆自己(或他的某位捉刀人)的话来说:“我当时是一个球员,但那时候和维多利亚相比,却什么都算不上。”
"Last week I was nothing, but this week I'm a phenomenon, " he said.───“上周我还什么都不是,这周我就是个现象了,”他说。
I was nothing but a dropout. But look at me now!───我以前不过是个辍学的人。但看看我现在!
I was nothing to him, and there was no reason why he should have wished me good-bye.───我同他非亲非故,没有理由要他来向我告辞的。
英语使用场景I was nothing but a drop-out,but look at me now.
Jack Sparrow: I was nothing more than an almost innocent bystander.
When he suggested a walk, I was nothing loath.
When he suggested a meal, I was nothing loath.