industrial unrest是什么意思中文翻译
作者:放心测系统 发表时间:2023-10-23 09:31:57 浏览次数:34
相似词语短语industrial arts───工艺美术;工艺
industrial parks───工业园区
industrial union───产业工会
industrial unions───产业工会
industrial use───工业用途
industrial injuries───[经管]工伤;工业损伤
industrial disease───职业病;工业病
industrial base───[工经]工业基地
双语使用场景The constant threat against Rome and the Italian industrial centers would cause unrest through the Balkans and other portions of Europe.───经常威胁罗马和义大利的工业中心会使巴尔干以及欧洲及其他各部不得安宁。
But it is true that, during industrial unrest, automatic trains are much more reliable.───但是这的确是事实,在行业动荡时期,自动化列车的确更加可靠。
The problem, as he saw it, was that workers could use the threat of industrial unrest to "extort" money from their bosses.───他认为,问题在于,工人们会用罢工威胁向老板们“勒索”。
In fact, China has witnessed considerable industrial unrest in recent decades, much of it localised and attracting little publicity.───事实上,近几十年来,中国曾发生相当多的劳工骚乱,其中很多是局部事件,未曾吸引公众关注。
However, he points out that industrial unrest is not uncommon across the region.───但他指出,东南亚地区的劳资纠纷并不少见。
A wave of industrial unrest has not just grounded aeroplanes but has also closed job centres and threatens to halt trains.───这一轮工业动荡不仅表现为飞机停飞,而且还有一些就业中心关闭,以及威胁到火车停运。
The region's rapid pace of development, combined with workers' new-found muscle-flexing, has led to some industrial unrest.───该地区快速发展的节奏同工人新发现的武力炫耀结合在一起已经导致了某种工业动荡。
keep watch on The closest watch should be kept on any signs of industrial unrest.───应当密切注视任何劳工骚动的迹象。
英语使用场景And yet until the outbreak of widescale industrial unrest in the late 1880s, this class remained passive.
There was widespread industrial unrest in the north.
The continuing industrial unrest mocked the government's attempts to find a solution.
Mounting industrial unrest gave the party new heart after internal disputes over incomes policy, immigration, Rhodesia, and much else.
In the face of mounting political and industrial unrest, Asquith may have been anxious to head-off further confrontation with feminists.
Industrial unrest and cheaper imports played their part in the company's reversal of fortunes.
The brutalising environment that ferments prison disorder also stimulates industrial unrest among prison officers.
Mr Howard painted a picture of industrial unrest under Labour rivalling the worst days of the 1970s.
Nor was Baldwin troubled with the industrial unrest which culminated in the General Strike during his first administration.