be in prison是什么意思中文翻译
作者:放心测系统 发表时间:2023-10-29 14:02:45 浏览次数:58
在狱中, 被监禁着; 坐班房; 在押
相似词语短语be in pain───v.痛苦
open prison───开放式监狱
to imprison───监禁
to unprison───解除迫害
bear comparison───熊比较
remand prisoner───还押犯
State prison───[法]州监狱
adult prison───成人监狱
双语使用场景Tom's brother was put ( thrown, cast ) prison because of murderer, and he be in prison for thirty years.───汤姆的哥哥因犯谋杀罪而被关进监狱, 他将在监狱服刑三十年.
Once I was back down at the bottom, there was a very long, straight road. I imagined this is what it must feel like to be in prison.───等我回到山脚下,紧接着是一段长而直的路,我想像蹲大牢的滋味一定就是这样了。
I argued that it was not so trivial, that were it not for the precious accident of the train schedule, I would be in prison or dead.───我想胜利不能算小,如果没有火车时刻表给我的宝贵的抢先一着,我早就给关进监狱或者给打死了。
We might just as well be in prison for all the quality our lives have at present.───我们现在的生活状况跟蹲监狱差不了多少。
But if it is proven that news Corporation's managers condoned lawbreaking, they should not be running any newspaper or television firm.They should be in prison.───但是,新闻集团的管理者们如果被证实姑息纵容了不法行为,那他们就别想还经营什么报纸或是电视,他们应该锒铛入狱。