anharmonic oscillator是什么意思中文翻译
作者:放心测系统 发表时间:2023-11-01 13:23:12 浏览次数:46
非谐振子; 非简谐波振荡器
相似词语短语dynatron oscillator───负阻管振荡器
anharmonic ratio───非谐比
anharmonic ratios───非谐比
dynatron oscillators───负阻管振荡器
enharmonic modulation───非谐波调制
enharmonic modulations───增强调制
local oscillator───n.[电子]本机振荡器
parasitic oscillation───[电子]寄生振荡
relaxation oscillator───[电子]弛缓振荡器
双语使用场景conditions for the production of amplitude-cubed squeezing in higher-order harmonic generation and an anharmonic oscillator are studied.───高次谐波产生及非谐振子模型两种非线性光学系统中存在光场振幅立方压缩的条件。
of an anharmonic oscillator for the bound states is studied with the aid of pseudo_angular_momentum method.───的方法研究了非谐振子定态薛定谔方程的严格解。
In this paper, some discussions and calculations about stochastic behaviour of a kind of forced anharmonic oscillator will be given.───本文就一类强迫非简谐振子出现随机行为问题作一些讨论并给出数值计算的结果。
Quantum Properties of Odd Generalized Coherent States of q-Deformation Anharmonic Oscillator in a Finite-dimensional Hilbert Space───有限维希尔伯特空间q奇广义相干态量子特性
The Recursive calculative formula of high order nonlinear optical susceptibility utilizing anharmonic oscillator model───谐振子模型下的高阶非线性极化率的递推计算公式
Multiple-Scale Perturbation Theory of Quartic Anharmonic Oscillator───四次非简谐振子的多尺度微扰理论
Multiple-Scale Perturbation Theory of Sextic Anharmonic Oscillator───六次非简谐振子的多尺度微扰理论
The Approximation Method By Variational Matrix For Complex Cubic Anharmonic Oscillator───解复立方非谐振子的变分矩阵近似法
The Models of Anharmonic Oscillator of Nonlinear Optical Susceptibilities───非线性光学极化率的非简谐振子模型
英语使用场景For the anharmonic oscillator, then, the vibrational energy levels associated with a particular vibration are not equally spaced.