deep feeling是什么意思中文翻译
作者:放心测系统 发表时间:2023-11-15 13:49:13 浏览次数:26
deep meaning───深层意义
weird feeling───奇怪的感觉
deep belief───深信不疑
deep diving───[水运]深潜
deep kissing───深吻(又名法式亲吻)
双语使用场景He gazed with deep feeling at his mother's wrinkly face.───他深情地望着满脸皱纹的母亲。
Two good shots, remittent, drawing wool collects deep feeling.───两根棒针,上上下下, 牵引毛线汇成深情.
Kissing on the cheek signifies deep feeling.───在颊上接吻——浓情.
He has a deep feeling for beauty in nature and art.───他对自然及艺术的美有很深的感受力.
The news stirred deep feeling in me.───这消息深深激发了我的感情.
After I read this article, has the very deep feeling.───我读了这篇文章后有很深的感触.
After I read this article, I has the very deep feeling.───请英文好的帮我将中文翻译成英文我读了这篇文章后有很深的感触.
And it was possible that her reserve concealed a very deep feeling.───在她的缄默后面也可能隐藏着深挚的感情.
A deep feeling need feeling all.───要想感受深切,则需感受一切.
She sang wonderfully with a silver voice and deep feeling, which moved everyone present.───她的演唱声情并茂, 在场的每个人都很感动.
People have this deep feeling that music should be authentic.───人们深深地感觉音乐应该是真实的。
Today reads Lu Xun article also to be able deep feeling that healthy tendency.───今天读鲁迅的文章还能深深的感受到那一股正气.
She has a deep feeling for beauty in nature.───她对大自然的美有很深的感受力.
But, you have to keep using your thoughts to get that deep feeling inside you, 'The Vibe'.───但我们一直使用思想唤起内心深处的感觉。
He is gazing at her with deep feeling through his burning eyes.───他一直用炙热的目光深情地望着她.
Mud paintings and beans do color plasticine Su - Ying said with deep feeling.───做彩泥画和豆塑的贾素英深有感触地说.
A relationship of deep feeling that will lead us in to partnership.───关系深厚的感情,这将导致我们的伙伴关系.
英语使用场景I can't afford to bear the deep feeling is the burden, sweet prattle just happened to cash lies.
Many of Munch's paintings express a deep feeling of despair.
The deep feeling and my lover can with very long time.
Two good shots, remittent, drawing wool collects deep feeling.
I can't afford to bear the deep feeling is the burden, sweet prattle.
A rhetorical question, but asked with deep feeling.
There was a lot of deep feeling in his little sister, Joe thought, in spite of her gaiety and light-heartedness.
Baktiar spoke of Iran with deep feeling.
It is this that prompts a deep feeling of compassion for the sub-human world and for all our fellow men.