or beach是什么意思中文翻译
作者:放心测系统 发表时间:2023-11-15 14:36:47 浏览次数:39
相似词语短语to beach───去海滩
free beach───自由海滩
to bleach───漂白
to breach───破坏
rocky beach───岩滩
双语使用场景Go out for a fun dinner, go to the park or beach, really reward them, especially in the beginning.───出去吃顿饭,到公园或海边游玩,真正地奖励他们一下,在最开始的阶段是尤其重要的。
sunset picnic at a park or beach.───在公园或者海滩上来一次落日野餐。
This new moon may also offer you a chance to be outside in the fresh air at the mountains or beach.───新月也会让你有机会外出,去山里或者海边呼吸新鲜空气。
For a country or beach escape, fine-tune your city duds as follows: Add a pair of jeans or shorts, a sun hat, a bathing suit and cover - up.───乡村或海边周末:把你在城市中常穿的衣服适当地调整一下,加一条牛仔裤或短裤,一顶太阳帽,泳衣和浴巾。
Crowding can occur in all scales of tourism environment, from a hotel or beach to a resort or landscape.───小从一个旅馆,一片沙滩,大到度假胜地或是风景名胜,有游人的地方,总是难以避免的发生拥挤。
mixed carbonate sediment in beach or tideland facies with quartz sand taken from bayou or beach by coastwise flow and circumfluence.───由沿岸流和回流将河口或滨岸海滩的石英砂带到滨岸浅滩和潮坪相碳酸盐沉积区混杂而成。
The visiting children become part of family they go with the family on picnics, to the pool or beach, and on trips.───那些拜访的孩子们成了他们家庭的一分子,并与他们一同野炊,在池里洗澡、岸边乘凉,以及郊游。
All islands of internal are mountains, and the coast of the terrain is rugged cliffs or beach.───所有岛屿的内部都是高山,而沿岸地区的地形都是崎岖的峭壁或沙滩。
英语使用场景Bring a lawn chair or beach chair for comfortable seating, and leave the alcoholic beverages at home.
Hunji rock is formed in seashore environment, mixed carbonate sediment in beach or tideland facies with quartz sand taken from bayou or beach by coastwise flow and circumfluence.
Olympic hand ball or team handball an indoor court game rather than outdoor or beach game.