hurried up是什么意思中文翻译
作者:放心测系统 发表时间:2023-11-15 14:38:09 浏览次数:39
相似词语短语hurries up───(使)赶快
furred up───生垢;生水垢
married up───结婚;结合;配合;联合
hurrying up───(使)赶快
burned up───v.烧起来;烧掉;发怒
cried up───v.夸奖;推崇
curled up───蜷缩;卷着的
dried up───adj.干缩的,干枯的
fried up───把食物煎热一下;热干;炸坏
双语使用场景I hurried up to the bus station.───我匆匆赶到公共汽车站。
The goats, scenting the pungent herbs, also hurried up without delay.───山羊嗅到了辛辣的草药味,也毫不迟疑地赶了上来。
Father shouted. I hurried up.───父亲的大喊,我赶忙就去了。
Unnoticed, and a little bit afraid, she hurried up the great stairway and stepped proudly into the hall.───她趁没有人注意的时候,有点忐忑不安地赶紧上了楼梯,随后便自豪地步入舞厅。
At the news of her collapse, Patty and Walter hurried up north, leaving Joey to be supervised by his disdainful older sister.───得知老太太病倒了,帕蒂和沃尔特赶去北方,留下乔伊在家,由对他满怀鄙视的姐姐来照管。
The child ran into the middle of the road, a policeman hurried up to seize his hand, pulled him to a safe place.───那小孩闯到马路中间,一个警察赶紧抓住他的手,把他拉到安全的地方。
Avid to examine this find, he did not wait for the elevator but hurried up the stairs.───他迫不及待地想看看这一新发现,不等电梯下来,就匆匆从楼梯上去;
The woman went out of the car and hurried up a nearby grassy slope with the lilacs still in her arms.───女人走下车,匆匆向附近的草坡走去,怀里仍抱着紫丁香。
Jack hurried up to the house and asked the woman, as bold as brass, if she could give him some breakfast.───杰克快步走到房屋跟前,大胆问那女人能不能给他点早饭吃。
英语使用场景At last, Narcissa hurried up a street named Spinner's End, over which the towering mill chimney seemed to hover like a giant admonitory finger.
As Dorian hurried up its three rickety steps, the heavy odour of opium met him.
She was concentrating on the speed and length which her stride might attain as she hurried up the long slope.
He hurried up the aisle of the church, showing his palms by way of apology when he reached his place.
Gabriel hurried up to try to hear what was said, but the door closed in her face.
I hurried up to the loft, hoping the water tank wasn't leaking, but it wasn't.
Breeze saw the brass plate from afar, and hurried up the path.
Whenever she was free from the brewing she hurried up to the bower to spin with the other women.
Belinda thought as she hurried up the front steps.