off peak hours是什么意思中文翻译
作者:放心测系统 发表时间:2023-11-15 14:56:03 浏览次数:53
相似词语短语office hours───[管理]办公时间;营业时间;每日例行的点名时间
peak hours───n.高峰时间
after hours───adv.下班;工作完毕后
final hours───最后几个小时
half an hours───半小时
off seasons───淡季;非生产季节
off years───非大选年;小年
out of hours───在正常工作或学习等时间之外
sidereal hours───恒星小时
双语使用场景A six-month pilot trial in Eindhoven last year showed that 70 percent of users changed their behavior as a result of pricing, by traveling either at off-peak hours or on less crowded roadways.───年,埃因霍温6个月的试行结果表明,该收费方式改变了70%驾车员的习惯,他们避开高峰期出行,或者选择不拥堵的路段。
Callers now pay 33 cents during peak hours and 30 cents during off-peak hours.───现在,主叫方在高峰时段支付33美分话费;而非高峰时段则是30美分。
If you want to do explicit garbage collection to reduce your application footprint, attempt to implement it so that it is done under low-load conditions or at off-peak hours.───如果需要执行显式的垃圾收集来降低应用程序内存使用,那么尝试在低负载情况下或在非繁忙时刻实现垃圾收集。
Mike: Well, I'm trying to conserve energy, Carol, by running our appliances at off-peak hours.───迈克:我这样做是节约能源,所以我避开高峰时间使用家电。
We recommend that you configure database mirroring during off - peak hours because configuring mirroring can impact performance .───我们建议您在非高峰时段配置数据库镜像,因为配置镜像会影响性能。
We recommend that you configure database mirroring during off - peak hours because configuration can affect performance .───我们建议您在非高峰时段配置数据库镜像,因为配置会影响性能。
Thirdly, elderly passengers with special cards will be able to travel at off-peak hours for free.───最后,高龄的乘客可以凭特殊证件(社保卡?)可在非高峰时间免费乘坐列车。
By scheduling large reports to run during off-peak hours, you can reduce processing impact on the report server during core business hours.───通过计划在非高峰期运行大型报表,可以在业务峰值时段降低对报表服务器的处理影响。
In Western and Eastern regions, peaking power is being provided by thermal plants, some of which have to back down during off peak hours.───在东部和西部一些地区,峰期电力是由火电厂提供的,因此有些电厂只好在峰期停机。
英语使用场景I often go to the gym at off peak hours.